26 January 2007

Google vs. Microsoft

THE Information Technology industry is all about wars between companies and individuals. These tech wars have become boring to some people and just the mention of a tech war will cause others to take up arms.

Mentioning Google vs Microsoft is one of those topics that make some people think of withdrawing their savings and sticking under the mattress. But hang-on; don't withdraw your precious savings just yet; even though Google and Microsoft are at war, it is more of a "Cold War", and this type of war is not necessarily bad.

If not for the Cold War between the USA and USSR, Yuri Gagarin wouldn't have been the first human in space, and Neil Armstrong would never have walked on the moon.

The future of computer software

Google has broadened its focus. It is not just an internet search engine anymore, the company now provide users with free e-mail, desktop applications and online text and spreadsheet editing.

The text and spreadsheet editing is probably one of Google's boldest moves to date. They have wandered into the domain that Microsoft controlled for the best part of the last 10 years and what promises to be the future of computing.

As Internet accessibility increased so did the amount of applications available. Software companies have shifted their focus to provide more applications and services on the internet.

To draft a letter a decade ago we were forced to buy software like Word (or even WordPerfect at that time). This is no longer the case, with faster broadband speeds making it possible for Google to provide applications like online text editors, and other online services.

How does it affect Microsoft?

Microsoft is being driven to move away from their main business and provide consumers with online tools and services. As with everything from Microsoft they are doing it with a bang.

Bill Gates announced in the end of 2005 that Microsoft is undertaking a major strategic shift towards providing more internet-based services.

Microsoft moved away from their MSN network across to Windows Live! And with the launch of Windows Vista they are increasing the support for Windows Live. Every online tool and service within Vista is closely linked to Windows Live and Office Live.

Microsoft didn't stand a chance competing against Google when it came to search engines, but when it comes to online services it has the advantage. We have to remember that Microsoft has Windows, and with Vista closely integrated with Windows Live, Google is bound to suffer some casualties and stands to lose a large share of the market.

There are tech wars that are worth looking into, and as with the Cold War where two nations pushed one another to become more advanced, the same will happen between Google and Microsoft.

We will have a loser in the end, but we can always remember that the one that did win the war would not have been pushed to the top, if it was not for the other.

Written by Johan Brink and published on www.fin24.co.za on 26.01.2007

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